Weird Tales, Summer, 1988
- WEIRD TALES, Summer 1988 - An acrylic painting on a 16 x 20 size canvas board. It illustrates the story, "Kingdoms of the Air'" by Tanith Lee.
Each year I receive a calendar in the mail from an organization soliciting a donation for "The Artists," those special handicapped men and women who paint pictures by holding the paint brush between their teeth or between their toes.
Each month of the calendar features one of their paintings along with a notable quotation. Most of these paintings are so well done, so impressive that clearly these artists are not handicapped in expressing themselves in their artwork.
It moves me emotionally when I see that "art" is as important to them as it is to me, and that in spite of their handicaps, like having no arms, the quality of their best paintings are comparable to those in the non-handicapped world of art.
In my present calendar (2012) the June painting is a beautiful rendition of a bouquet of roses in a vase, mouth painted by Shih-Feng Chen. The quotation reads;
"Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same."
Emily Bronte
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